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Create a database connection

To access a database, you must first connect to it.

build a section in the config file. The configuration allows you to specify multiple servers. New connections will be calculated per data server.

"databases": {
    "postgresql": [
            "ip": "",
            "port": 5432,
            "dbname": "dbname",
            "user": "root",
            "password": "",
            "connection_timeout": 3,
            "migration": true

Now you can access the db connection with an expression

dbinstance_t dbinst = dbinstance(request->database_list(request), "postgresql");

The database instance is accessed via the request component, as Each server has its own list of databases.

The actual database connection will only be established the first time the dbquery method is called.

Execute SQL queries

After creating the connection instance, you can execute the SQL query.

The following example shows how to retrieve data from a database:

// handlers/indexpage.c
#include "http1.h"
#include "db.h"

void db(http1request_t* request, http1response_t* response) {
    dbinstance_t dbinst = dbinstance(request->database_list(request), "postgresql");

    if (!dbinst.ok) {
        response->data(response, "db not found");

    dbresult_t result = dbquery(&dbinst, "SELECT * FROM \"user\" LIMIT 3; SELECT * FROM \"news\";");

    if (!dbresult_ok(&result)) {
        response->data(response, dbresult_error_message(&result));
        goto failed;

    do {
        for (int row = 0; row < dbresult_query_rows(&result); row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < dbresult_query_cols(&result); col++) {
                const db_table_cell_t* field = dbresult_cell(&result, row, col);

                printf("%s | ", field->value);

    } while (dbresult_query_next(&result));

    response->data(response, "Done");



Data is always retrieved as strings, even if the field type in the database is numeric.

PostgreSQL and MySQL support executing multiple statements in a single SQL query, as in the example above.

The dbresult_query_next method is used to move to the next result set.

Parameter binding

When creating a command from an SQL query with parameters, you must use parameter binding, for example,

dbresult_t result = dbquery(&dbinst, "SELECT * FROM \"user\" WHERE id > %d AND name <> '%s'", 10, "Alex");

Be sure to check the parameters to prevent SQL injection attacks.

In a SQL query, you can embed one or more parameters. A complete list of specifiers is available on the printf function description page.

Execute Non-SELECT queries

INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and other statements are executed in the same way through the dbquery method, but may not contain data to be displayed.

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